Sharon Daugherty

Sharon is a perry guide, who has the lived experience of perimenopause herself and received a training to upskill her knowledge of the everything perimenopause - symptoms, duration, treatment options and how to best have fruitful conversations with your provider.

Sharon is very non judgemental and filled with helpful suggestions. Her personality works great for the guide session. Very warm, like talking to a friend.
— Ama from the perry community

Areas of Interest

  • During perimenopause, it’s easy to feel like you’re losing yourself while caring for others. I’m here to help you reconnect with who you are, prioritize your needs, and create the time and space to cherish yourself. Together, we’ll rediscover your sensuality and ensure you receive the nourishment and support you deserve on this journey.

  • Having navigated PCOS myself, I found that nutrition was crucial to my healing. Since everyone has unique bodies and nutritional needs, I can help you understand how diet affects perimenopause symptoms and guide you on what to discuss with your nutritionist to create a personalized plan to feel better.

  • The connection between mind and body is incredibly powerful. I believe in the effectiveness of meditation, breath work, and other practices to help you manage stress, acknowledge your feelings, and reconnect with yourself. These techniques can help you harness your inner strength and handle stress more effectively.

Booking Provided by Healthie

Get to know me better

Sharon, what was the first sign of perimenopause for you? 

anxiety, both health related and about everyday things

What strengths have you gained from perimenopause that have made you stronger? 

I have learned to embrace the beauty and power of aging

What gives you hope? 

Knowing that I will be able to empower my daughters with more knowledge than I had 

What is on your bucket list 

To own an art gallery and teach exercise to seniors

How did perimenopause make you feel

Scared of the loss of control

Things I enjoy 

I am a painter, studying and cooking healing foods, and watching old movies - particularly Betty Davis, Joan Crawford, and Alfred Hitchcock films

Unsure about your next steps?

Start with our secure Perimenopause Symptom Checker first to understand what is going on.

Knowledge is a crucial step towards emotional wellbeing in your perimenopause journey.

When clicking on below link you are being transferred to a secure symptom checker site.

About Your Perry Guide

What is a Perry Guide?

Our Perry Guides are women from the Perry Community with personal experience who have been trained by Perry and Dr. Gilberg’s Menopause Bootcamp to provide guidance and information for women navigating perimenopause and menopause. Their training includes comprehensive education on the science behind symptoms.

Role of a Perry Guide

Perry Guides are here to assist members in navigating their perimenopause experience. They help map symptoms to perimenopause, explaining their potential connections using definitions from vetted, medically approved sources.

What to Expect From Your Session:

Identify and Explain Symptoms:

  • Identify symptoms based on your questionnaire.

  • Discuss how these symptoms manifest for you.

  • Explain how these symptoms can be related to changes in your body associated with perimenopause and menopause.

  • Answer any questions you have about perimenopause and menopause.

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Symptoms:

Guides will help you assess your current lifestyle habits and create a personalized plan for discussion with an expert. By asking about your routines in stress management, sleep, nutrition, and fitness, the guides will identify key areas to address and recommend consultations with specialists such as nutritionists, fitness experts, and sleep experts if needed. This ensures you receive professional advice tailored to your individual needs, aiding in effective symptom management.

Expert Referrals:

Perry Guides can refer you to Perry Partner Menopause Specialized Practitioners who offer individualized services, such as:

  • Nutritionist

  • Fitness Trainer

  • Mental Health Provider

  • Physical Therapist

  • List of Menopause Trained Doctors

  • Telehealth Providers

Please note: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions, nor should it replace professional medical expertise or treatment. While guides can provide general information, it's important to always consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice. We strive to provide accurate and current information, but we recommend confirming details with your doctor.